The Inside Track on Rice Diet Secrets - Rice and the Health Benefits For the Consumer

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When it comes to losing weight and maintaining a healthy diet, consumers usually resort to any easy fix like diet pills, shakes, and even more serious measures. What people don't know is that there are rice diet secrets that can not only help you lose inches and fat but, they can substantially reduce Hi blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Rice contains low sodium and significant amounts of fiber, which most people either emit from their diets or never get enough of. The implementation of rice diet secrets combined with fruit, vegetables and grains can lead to many health benefits for all ages including:


1. improvements in digestion
2. improvements in glucose tolerance
3. reduction of hypertension and other heart diseases
4. reduce the risk of developing some cancers
5. increased the effects of weight management

The most important elements of rice diet secrets are to choose the right type of rice for a diet plan. Educate yourself on the many varieties of rice available in the majority of the retail markets around the country. There are over 6,000 plus varieties of rice grown around the country and the health benefits of incorporating them into a strict rice diet differ between each assortment.

Here are some examples of rice and there health benefits for the consumer. There is more than instant on the shelves so start investigating some of these varieties a bit further.

o Basmati-a source of folate iron, niacin and thiamin.
o Black-a great source of fiber
o Long Grain-a source of vitamins and minerals
o Short Grain-a source of folate , iron, and niacin.
o Sticky-a good source of fiber
o Jasmine and Carolina-a great source of folate, iron, niacin and thiamin.
o Texmati- good source of folate iron, niacin and thiamin
o Wild Rice-vast quantities of vitamins, minerals, and fiber

All of these rice varieties can be produced quite simply and easily on the stove or if you prefer, the microwave.

The ADA recommends a minimum of 20-35 g/day for a healthy adult depending on calorie intake (e.g., a 2000 cal/8400 kJ diet should include 25 g of fiber per day). The ADA's recommendation for children is that intake should equal age in years plus 5 g/day (e.g., a 4 year old should consume 9 g/day).

The evolution of this tiny grain led to a revolution in dieting in 1939 when "The Rice Diet Solution" came about. This rice diet secret is an extremely aggressive approach to reverse disease and cause weight loss. "Dieters are promised fast weight loss of 20-30 pounds the first week followed by 2.5-3.5 pounds per week in the later phases. "

Although the plan for rice dieting is quite aggressive and sometimes hard to follow, you may need to visit the local bookstore or an internet cooking website to pick up a few hints on rice recipes and how to spice them up so the outcome isn't so mundane.

The rewards you will reap from a rice diet will not only aide in helping you achieve your weight loss goals but, it will promote a healthier lifestyle for you and ultimately your family.

The Inside Track on Rice Diet Secrets - Rice and the Health Benefits For the Consumer

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about rice diet secrets [], please visit Dieting Secrets Today [] for current articles and discussions.

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