Like many workout enthusiasts, whey protein powder leaves me feeling gassy and bloated. I always thought I just had to put up with it to get the results I wanted.
I was wrong.
I recently discovered that brown rice protein powder is an excellent alternative. It doesn't cause gas and bloating like whey does, so it's great for people who are lactose intolerant.
I like how it's raw and vegan. It's very important to eat as clean as possible because eating clean will help you maintain a flat stomach - and we all know how important that is for those sexy six-pack abs.
Many people don't know this, but it's possible to become allergic to both whey and soy with long-term use.
You don't run into that problem with brown rice protein powder because it's hypoallergenic.
It's also easier to digest than whey. It's perfect for your smoothies and actually tastes good.
Clinical studies have shown it may have other health benefits, such as the ability to:
* promote a slower release of sugars into the blood stream, potentially helping those with diabetes and other blood sugar related conditions
* lower cholesterol levels - a major contributor to heart disease
* benefit people suffering from high blood pressure
* support weight loss
The greatest benefit may be it's role in helping us combat the natural aging process.
As we age, we naturally lose some of our ability to extract nutrition from the foods we eat. We just can't get the same amount of vitamins and minerals from our diet.
Brown rice protein actually helps you absorb more of the vitamins and minerals from the food you eat, supporting your overall health throughout the aging process.
Brown Rice Protein Powder - An Alternative to Whey Protein
I've tried a lot of protein powders and there's only one that gives me the results I want without leaving me feeling bloated and gassy. Sun Warrior Protein Powder is the best brown rice protein powder available. Visit my website and experience the results for yourself
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