Rice and Potatoes Can Burn Fat!

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Each of these three foods surprisingly do help you burn fat and have been clinically proven to promote weight loss. The basic aim of any food is to help your body burn away unhealthy pounds. If any food you try can stop you wanting junk food and can help your body work more efficiently then it will help with your fat burning aims.



You will probably be surprised to hear that an entire weight loss plan, called the Rice Diet, has been developed in the 30's by Dr. William Kemper. The diet insists that rice is the staple of the dieters food intake. As you progress with the diet you can slowly mix in various fruits and vegetables.

If you take a cup of cooked rice i.e. approximately 15 grams, it contains only 178 calories which works out to be one third of the calories of the equivalent amount to beef or cheese. Wholegrain rice is the one you should use as it is much better for you than white rice.

The use of rice in a diet produces amazing weight lose and great medical results. The rice diet has been shown to reverse and cure kidney ailments and high blood pressure.


Yes that's right the common and garden potato to help burn fat! The potato can achieve rapid weight loss as long as you do not add fattening toppings. Each potato on average contains 0.6 calories per gram. Potatoes are a great source of fibre and potassium, they lower cholesterol and protect against strokes and heart disease.

As you can see Rice and Potatoes are not bad for you as long as you only add low fat toppings of vegetable add-ons. You could always add the two together by having a baked potato with a vegetable rice side order.

Rice and Potatoes Can Burn Fat!

The author has been working on how to lose his own weight and has viewed all the ways and you can see the best at his website Burn fat. These ways at http://www.burnfaynotmuscle.co.uk do just what it says on the label.

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