2009 and the Price of Rice - Warning of Impending World Rice Crop Crisis

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What is the price of rice in China? Well, consider this, nearly everyone in China eats it and the commodity is trading at an all time high. Worse, billions of people in other nations also eat rice; daily. So, believe me when I tell you that RICE is no four letter word, especially when you cannot afford it and are starving.

Nearly half of the humans on the planet eat rice every day, it's a huge part of their diets, without it, they'll starve. For those that live in the United States with the abundance of everything and the wealth to pay the higher prices even if rice triples in price, well, we just do not get it, we do not understand the serious nature of all this.
But rice is certainly not the only problem there is a wheat crop failure issue in China due to the droughts. Why is this such a big deal? Well, with China's manufacturing provinces crushed in the current global economic crisis, many of the rural farmers from the middle of the country that became migrant workers in those regions are heading back to those farm lands.
In the middle of a drought, it's rather hard to grow much of anything. Things are getting fairly dire. Will China make it through this crisis? Yes, the Chinese are survivors, they are as tough as people come, they have been through hardships, and they'll make it. No, it's not going to be easy.
One thing this should be telling Americans during our own economic recession is that we shouldn't complain, we have it extremely well compared to so many others in the world. We are so very fortunate here. I hope you will consider this next time you complain about the economy, the government, the wealthy, the banks, the corporations, or the Federal Reserve.

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/.

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