Do you sometimes get unexpected guests for dinner and need to cook something in a hurry? Or maybe you have been working late and are avoiding the dreaded unhealthy take-away but want something in 5 minutes. This is a very quick meal I prepared in less than 5 minutes with some leftover rice and a small tin of tuna. I had been at the gym after a long working week, there was only leftover rice in the fridge, and my spouse was on a service call-out so could not taking me shopping as yet. And I tell you, after 3 hours working out at the gym, I wanted to eat and wanted it fast! It certainly filled that hole.
I use ready-made curry powder rather than make my own. Being a bit of a health nut, I am a label-reader, and you would never believe the things they try to put in curry powder! Read the label, ladies and gentlemen. I have seen MSG and all sorts of nasties in the most innocent-looking curry powder. The brand I use only uses a bit of flour as a naughty ingredient, and that is luckily OK with me and those I cook for.
Leftover rice
Butter for frying (it tastes divine fried in butter - make sure it is normal butter and not full of hidden nasties - they spoil the taste, spoil the cooking, and are too much processing for a natural product anyway)
Garlic (2 cloves per person)
Fresh ginger if you have it (about 8 medium slivers per person - can substitute with dried ginger)
Tuna (1 small tin per person)
Curry powder (enough to sprinkle generously on top of the cooking food)
Tiny bit of sea salt (optional)
Take the leftover rice out of the fridge. If you wish to heat it, add a bit of water, stir and put on low heat while you prepare the tuna mixture.
Melt the butter in a pan while you quickly chop up the garlic into slivers. Make sure throughout that the butter does not get too hot or brown. Add the garlic and stir. Quickly cut the ginger, add the the mixture while you continue stirring. Stop stirring only long enough to open the tin of tuna. This is where I stop only just about long enough to drain the tin, wash the salt out with water, drain again, and give the cat a little tuna - about 15 seconds - but if you do not have a cat, you can skip this step. Keep stirring, as you add the tuna then quickly sprinkle curry powder on top (and a bit of sea salt if you had washed the tuna salt out). Add just about enough water to give it a thinner consistency. When the water starts to simmer, you are done - all in under 5 minutes! It is hot in temperature, so you can easily serve on the leftover rice and still have a warm meal to enjoy. If there is not enough rice, just serve with a side serving of a quick salad, cold meats, nuts or fruits.
© Suzanne Zacharia 2010. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about health options. A virus caught at university at the end of 1986, plus medical negligence, meant that I got smokers lung at a relatively young age. In desperation for help with my symptoms and quality of life, I turned to complementary therapy and am now a complementary therapist, author and trainer, helping others achieve health and happiness. Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to get my FREE book "7 Real Truths of Energy Psychology" at or my free course "5 Days To Change Your Life" at
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