In Thai food there are a number of different types of Thai rice. The type used with different meals can make a difference to the overall texture of the meal. Here is a list of a couple of different types of rice and when to use them.
Jasmine Rice is a long grain variety from Thailand which is quite fragrant. It is quite a sticky rice which makes it ideal for Thai food. To prepare Jasmine rice take a cup portion size per person and drain the rice using cold water. Once the water runs clear add to a bowl and add enough cold water to cover the rice so that there is a thumbs width of water above the rice. Bring the water to the boil then simmer for about 20 minutes. Allow the rice lid on and then to sit for 10 minutes with the heat turned off. Jasmine rice is excellent with Thai Green Curry.
White rice is grown throughout Thailand and is known as a fully milled variety due to the Husk and Bran being removed from the Kernel.
To prepare Thai white sticky rice the variety you need to use is low starch and long grain. Rinse the rice thoroughly and add three cups of rice to four cups of water to a pan. Cover the pan and bring to the boil. Once there reduce the heat to the lowest possible setting and leave to simmer for twenty minutes. Check the rice and if it's too dry add some splashes of water, just enough to wet the rice. If the pan is hot enough leave it covered up with the cover on otherwise add a short burst of heat on a low setting. Sticky rice is excellent with chicken dish Gai Yang,
The Thai Orchid serves some of the best thai food in Scotland.
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